12/30/2014 12:30

The Government has no money!

    Let me see if I can clear this up?  THE GOVERNMENT HAS NO MONEY!

The only money the government has is what it takes from taxpayers. Don’t care if it is County, State or Federal. If you get money from whatever government it is from the taxpayers.


   We the taxpayers are funding over 50% of our countries people who don’t pay taxes and that number is growing every day. Make no mistake we WILL run out of money. We are already spending more then we take in and spending more and more money every day. We as taxpayers are just able to pay the interest on that.


   If you think we can keep on going the way we are now then you have your head in the sand. Why not take out your calculator and divide 250,000,000 Working people (not the 450,000,000 people we have) into 18,000,000,000,000 that we owe and see how much money you have to give the Government?


How high is a trillion in $1000 bills?

If you stack a trillion-worth of $1000 bills together, then:
1 million dollars = 4 inches high
1 billion dollars = 364 feet high
1 trillion dollars = 63 miles high
(give or take a foot or two)
Note that this is a STACK, not laid end-to-end.




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Essex Tea Party


Julie Saunders (FACEBOOK)


06/04/2020 08:19

Joe Biden and your guns....

Fact Checking Joe Biden On Guns In an interview with Wired, Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's presumptive nominee for president, was asked for his "stance on gun control." Biden summed up what he'd like to do with your Second Amendment rights this way... Read...

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01/26/2011 07:02

Essex County Government Links

Essex County Local Gov't Contact List Web Page https://www.essex-virginia.org/county_government   Town of Tappahannock Web Page www.tappahannock-va.gov/    

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01/10/2011 14:00

Other Tea Party Links

King William TEA Party https://kwteaparty.com/index.html New Kent Tea Party newkentteaparty.org/index.html Richmond Tea Party www.richmondteaparty.com/ Montross Tea Party www.montrossteaparty.org/ Tea Party Patriots www.teapartypatriots.org  Middlesex Tea...

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Useful State Web Sites


Virginia Congress Web Site



House of Representatives



Virginia 1st District


Tappahannock Essex Airport Link


Looters burn and pillage through America as Democrat politicians refrained from condemning them, actor James Woods summed up the Democrats’ hypocrisy in one tweet, writing, “Democrats were literally arresting Americans for opening their businesses, but now are silent as protesters burn them down. You were fined for worshipping in your church, but now cheered for marching in screaming crowds.”



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